Saturday, September 25, 2010

4 days before departure

Hello Readers,

I'm currently unemployed, however I will have a part time teaching opportunity beginning in mid-November.  I was in a slump; I've been applying to tons of full time and part time jobs, but I haven't heard from them so I figured "why not take a vacation?" ( you must think I'm crazy taking a vacation in the midst of this economic recession )...

I feel like I'm in a bubble; I needed to get out and gain new perspective that'll help me to persevere in the upcoming months and their challenges.  In the past, my trips to the Philippines have renewed me, and I'm hoping that the 6 weeks spent here will give me a fresh outlook and maybe new solutions to my unemployment problems.

I'll be blogging about:
-Cooking foods specific to places I visited (share recipes made easy)
-Eating foods (new and childhood favorites)
-Events I participated in and their concomittant food source
-Food: memories and its pertinent cultural tid bit

Basically everything I do while in the Philippines ( PI ) in 6 weeks with a food twist.  I hope you enjoy reading it, and feel free to comment and share your insights.  I also hope this will encourage others to explore and eat Filipino cuisine for themselves.  Bon Appetit! Kain na!


  1. Hey Michael!
    I can't wait to read your blog and your journey through the Philippines! I hope you enlighten more people about the beautiful and rich culture of the Philippines as well as the delicious food that PI offers!

    Good luck!

  2. Thanks Ken!

    If you know other people, who might enjoy this topic, please tell them to read along. If you have any questions or suggestions or topics (related to my endeavor) that you'd want me to explore/research, just let me know and I'll consider it. Thanks for reading!
