Thursday, September 30, 2010

Economy Upgrade and Airplane Food

Hi Readers,

I'm going to digress for a moment.  My main topic is Filipino food, but for this post, I'll briefly discuss Airplane food and my experience flying with Korean Air.  Basically I'm impressed.

A 13 hour flight is long, and I was prepared to entertain myself; I brought 3 books, a journal, and my mp3 player.  Upon finding my window seat, the first thing I noticed in front of me was a screen with touchscreen capabilities.  Everybody was still getting on board, so I decided to peruse this technology.

In my past travels, such features come with a price.  When I flew to Utah, a movie cost $5.  The plane finally took off, and I still haven't seen an advertisement announcing the cost.  It was to my great amazement to learn that the service was free.  It didn't just have movies; it had music, video games, and electronic print.  I had a moment when I didn't know what to do.  Eventually, I sampled various music, while reading Krakauer's "Into the Wild".  I watched 2 movies "City Island" and this Chinese action-comedy.

The Airplane food wasn't that bad.  It was presented TV dinner style, but I was amazed at the freshness of it all. The soft warm bread that melts the butter, the crispy lettuce, the tender spicy chicken, and the moist red velvet cupcake square.  Plenty of drinks; they even offered wine.

This Korean Air flight experience was the best I had so far ( in comparison to my childhood experience flying Korean Air ).  It seems that time has updated the experience of flying "economy."

I'm blogging this free courtesy of the Seoul International Airport.  They haven't stopped me yet or charged me, however a  nice sales lady warned me not to put my coconut yogurt smoothie from Lente near the Samsung notebook I'm using.  Something different in this airport is that they have cultural cubicles, where foreigners can learn about different Korean arts and culture, such as painting, inking, and theater.


  1. Nice experience!!!

  2. Glad you had a nice meal on your trip, Mike. I bookmarked your blog and I can't wait to read more about your trip!

  3. I am sorry, Michael but whenever I hear or read "airplane food", my mind immediately thinks of...well, airplane food. You know, terrible stuff. But I'm glad your experience this time around was pleasant!

    PS. Once you do get TAHO!!! please let the readers know how amazing a treat it is!

  4. Thanks Yo- you should write about your visit in Thailand as well :)

    Thanks Val- feel free to share your inputs!

    Thanks Ken- what airline do you usually used? maybe that's why your airplane food experience was so-so. I'll definitely write about Taho, I was walking around the mall and I saw a stand called "Taho Factory" - Flavored taho 24/7 instead of just in the mornings. I've yet to sample it, but it sure sound thrilling.

  5. Mike-
    Hey stranger! Sounds like you're already having a nice time- Did you know you can BLOG from your phone??? Like, send a long text to your blog? you should check that out.
    Miss your smilin' face!

  6. Thanks Jen, I hope you're doing well also. I'm old-school so my phone is not high-tech enough to have blogging capabilities... Nonetheless, I hope you keep on reading! :)
