Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mindanao: Super Squid and Singkil ( part 3 )

Hola Readers,

We ended our last night in Dakak with dinner.  We ordered squid galore: tempura, calamari, and sizzling squid.  While eating, we watched a cultural show.  I was drawn to the last dance involving ornate golden attire, sequined fans, and bamboo logs.

According to my cousin, this dance is called Singkil.  It's a traditional ritual dance before marriage.  Looking at the picture, the golden girl is probably the bride and her maid of honor is the girl holding the umbrella.  Islamic aesthetics are present especially in the intricate patterns of the dress ( avoidance of imagery? ).  Something about the movements and poses reminded me of Egyptian statues: very rhythmic, stylistic, mannerism-esque, and regal ( perspective about the body different from the Renaissance point of view ).

I drank fresh buko juice and tried the watermelon shake.  Since it was my birthday ( 10/15 ), we received a complimentary cake; it was great to be sang to as well.  The strong winds blew out my candles; waves pounded the shore, rain falling, crabs out of their holes combing the beach.  "Wonderful World" played on.

The night wouldn't be over until some drinking occurred.  I knew I reached my limit when I became splotchy ( alcohol poisoning or allergy? ).  I was still able to wake up at 5:30 am the next day, and jogged along the shore.  Bubbles and foam hissed and fizzed as they sprint up for the sandy finish line; some receded back into the waves, while others popped in ecstasy.

Singkil: Elegant dancers skillfully amble across snapping bamboos.


  1. i hope the wind made a wish before blowing out your birthday candles!

  2. Por suppuesto ... I've been whispering to the winds since that afternoon while napping under the shades... the wind heard/saw my dreams...
