Monday, November 8, 2010

Lounging with Lola: Memories

Hola Readers,

We are now in Camarines Sur, in the Bicol region, where my mother and her siblings grew up.  On our way to my relatives and grandparent's graves, we picked up a person familiar with the prayers for the dead.  My aunts cautioned me not to take random pictures in the cemetery.

My lolo ( grandfather ) died approximately one month before I was born, and my lola (grandmother ) and I share the same birthday.  One time, she ordered the killing of a chicken for our party.  We had tinola.

I remember waking up early to go to the coconut tree field.  We rode a bamboo cart pulled by a kalabaw ( water buffalo ) in the dark.  The sun hadn't risen yet; the roosters crowed as if racing each other to see who could crow the loudest.  We ate buko ( coconut meat and coconut water ) under the shades.

One hot summer day, my cousins and I wanted halo-halo and mais con yelo ( shaved ice, sweet corn, and evaporated and condensed milk ).  Our lola didn't want us to eat the because we'll get a cough.  We disobeyed her, and we paid a price for it ( in bamboo ).

The prayers ended.  My aunt swept the scurrying ants decomposing plants, dried twigs, and other debris off the concrete floor.  We said goodbye and left the candles burning.

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