Saturday, November 6, 2010

Que sera sera

Wat's up Readers,

"Bahala na!" is a common expression here in the Philippines, and it's a favorite phrase my aunts used especially when making plans.  Some believed that this term's origin can be traced back to pre-Catholicism local diety Bathala, who is associated with time and destiny.  Saying "Bahala na" is like saying "whatever will be will be".

In the bukid ( where it feels like the middle of nowhere ), where I watched the killing of a pig, a black-out happened.  I ate rice and minced pork in the kitchen illuminated by a flashlight and a lantern.  Creepy things flying brushing my legs ( maybe even snacking on me ).  Babies crying and dogs barking.

On the way to the Internet cafe, I saw a tree filled with fireflies, which looked like a flickering neon sign ( or dancing Christmas lights ).  My ride was 30 minutes late; I thought they forgot about me so I hailed a tricycle by myself ( stubbing my right toe a long the way ).

They told me I'll get to ride a horse.  I woke up early in the morning but it was cancelled because of the rain.  We were supposed to leave the party by 3 pm.  After the photo-ops of the family, I finally got the chance to ride the horse.  We left for Bicol by 3:35 pm.

We rode a jeepney for 9 hours from Nasugbu to Bicol.  As for merienda, "Bahala na".  As for a meal, we brought our own.  We stopped by the side of the road and ate.  Most disposables were biodegradable and thus left on the road.  For some, bathroom breaks also took place by the side of the road.  Pitched black broken by headlights of trucks and other vehicles.  New moon.

By the time we arrived in our destination, it was 1 am.  Stars in cluster seems farther up.  I think I saw the 3 sisters, other than that I didn't recognized other constellations.  Not everything is written in the stars, which are there to guide us: the way the North Star helped sailors find their way.  Whatever tomorrow brings will be; the rest is in our hands.  In the meantime, my relatives told stories as we ate an orange, caramelized peanuts, and espisol ( like mochi ).  As for sleeping? "Bahala na!"

"Bahala na!"


  1. I love this post. And I love the saying...Bahala na. I will remember it.

  2. Glad to hear that that saying will stick with you ... I'll remember also and will apply it more now ...
