Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Laguna: an impression of enchanted ( part 4 )

Wat's up Readers,

Last night's drinking didn't give us any hangover.  Our breakfast consisted of instant noodles, and 3-in-1 coffee.  While the rest prepared materials for the next hike, I had time to lounge in the hammock behind our tent and take in the enchantment of it all.

Roar of Taytay Falls in the background. Soft breeze, laughing brook, splashing from nearby water-fights or little children canonballing... Dragonflies would zip through the stream, and water bugs gliding through glass waters... leaves and butterflies would fall intermittently from the sky or leaves turning into butterflies. 

Ferns everywhere, its spores drifting... once in a while the sun's ray would break through the overcast revealing silky spiderwebs.  Smoke from campfires, and roasted chicken or fish filled the air.

Red flowers dotted the mossy boulders of all shapes and sizes, red-leafed plant rooted along the path.  Daddy Longleg spiders and flourescent orange centipedes tip toed behind rocks.

At night lightning flashes illuminated the sky.  Every now and then, thunder grumbled.  A cloud would pass by, bringing a light rain, a trickle here, a drip there at one's shoulder.  One bright star shone against the misty veil.  Crickets and forest birds chirped and holler.  Fireflies sparsely sprinkled their light like the faint glow of a hiker's flashlight.

After the 2nd hike, we bathe and packed our belongings in pitch darkness with only our flashlight as aides.  The view from the tricycle ride included a silhouette of the Banahaw Mt. Ranges with clouds circling the top, rice fields in the forefront, and stars spilling to the right.  The motor humming and buzzing, and the seat gently vibrating....

Taytay Falls in Majayjay, Laguna in the Banahaw Mt. Ranges

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