Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Laguna: vodka, mountaineer's code, and magic ( part 3 )

Hi Readers.

So the day's adventure made us extra hungry.  The others started preparing dinner.  Tilapia ( fish ) was cleaned, and salted before being smoked/grilled over a charcoal and wood fire. Rice was boiled.  Cucumbers and tomatoes sliced.  While waiting, I roasted mango-flavored marshmallows.

Dinner was served; I even tried a grilled frog, recently caught from a nearby stream.  The frog to me tasted like chicken and squid combined together.  We drank water from the fresh water spring.  The conversation was mild; topics ranged from a recap of the day's event to other climbing expeditions to dreaming of Mt. Everest.

Then the Vodka was released.  I was weary because I puked last time I drank so much.  According to the Mountaineer's code, it was better to throw up than to give up ( the alcohol ).  We used iced tea as a chaser to make the Vodka last longer.  Battery-powered music blasted current hits such as Lady Gaga's "Pokerface" and "Bad Romance".

A magic show began, led by our leader, who was also an on-the-call seaman.  I was giddy enough to follow along.  I watched spoons disappearing in the brain, straws blooming into flowers, thumbs stretching out of the socket, torn napkins unfolding into one piece, and more; we even toyed with a strength-giving amulet.

Light rain started sprinkling so we moved the drinking inside the tent.  Another code stated that nobody sleeps because this moment can be the last moment ( very carpe diem ).  What are the chances that these group of people will ever be together again? Right? The talk drifted to family surnames, which led to Philippine history and World War II about traitors, shifting perspectives, loyalty to family or the Catholic Church of Spain ( both following God's commandments ).

We finished 3 bottles of Vodka and started on the Brandy.  My shots where diluted with enough chasers that I didn't puke ( repeat history ).  Although we gave in and didn't finish the Brandy, we still abode by the Mountaineer's #1 rule, which our comical friend bluntly stated: "Puck the rules!"

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