Saturday, October 30, 2010

Picnic up to the mountains

Hello Readers,

I'm in the Batangas region visiting my cousins from my father's side.  Meeting familiar faces, and being reminded of others no longer here, I'm told of stories that never get old ( even if told like a broken record in a good way ).

Near this region is Tagaytay, famous for its panoramic view of the Taal volcano in the middle of Taal lake, and a popular destination getaway from the busy, noisy, and crowded capital city, Manila.  My cousin heard that every year, an unlucky bystander traveling through Taal lake dies.  People speculated that this death has become a sort of offering ( as if Taal volcano takes a sacrifice ) to keep Taal volcano dormant ( kept silent from erupting ).

We didn't see any smoke rising; however up in the mountains, the wind made the temperature cold ( good cold like spring, cold like Baguio City ).  We ate the spaghetti with shell pasta, rice with sweet pork, and the fried chicken that we prepared early that morning as clouds briskly walk by us.

Taal Volcano inside Taal Lake

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