Thursday, October 28, 2010

Superstitions and praying before a meal

Dear Readers,

My cousin was getting her child ready for a trip.  She pinned an amulet-esque imagery of Jesus and Mary on the inside of her baby's shirt.  Her baby continues to wear a black and orange bead bracelet ( also worn by her first born when he was a baby ); it's a protection from usog ( roughly translated to "bad feeling" ).

Certain days are either good or bad.  This day was one of the days when her child could take a bath ( certain days are avoided in order to prevent sickness; days chosen by our grandmother ).  There were also good days to move into a new home ( during a full moon or a new moon ).

In spite of the paradox ( to Catholicism? ), my aunt reminds us: "Don't forget to pray before you eat."


  1. Interesting from a folklore standpoint... 'superstition' 'religion' 'science'revised adage: one (wo)man's superstition is another's science!
    with intriguing epistemological (dare I say hermeneutic?)intersections between!

  2. Word... true, it was once believed that the idea of the sun as the center of our universe as absurd, until proven otherwise...
