Thursday, October 28, 2010

Street food and the local election

What's the dealio Readers!

Barangay ( roughly translated to as "towns" ), across the Philippines Archipelago, recently held local elections.  I'm amazed at the participation of the people, and where there's a large crowd, there's bound to be some traveling food vendors.

Voting day is declared a National Holiday emphasizing the importance to participate.  Even youths are encouraged.  My cousin in high school was accompanied by her friends to vote for their youth representative ( who is part of the 8 representatives advising the Barangay vice/chairman/leader ).

My aunt and uncle didn't pressure their kids to vote for a certain candidate; nonetheless, they were there to give advice ( if asked ).  Since public campaigning was limited to 2 weeks prior election day, most people chose their candidate based on gossip, and candidate's education, whether fiscally responsible or adept at handling crisis.

As my cousin's friend answered my questions and told me about local issues, such as reviving the old market place, I munched on fish balls and kikiam ( fish and squid ) on a stick, and sipped on Scramble ( shaved ice, evaporated milk, condense milk, food coloring, and other surprises ).

Sometimes I wish I have their fervor; regardless I'm fanatic about those fish balls and Scramble.  Even though I couldn't vote, I know it's never good to make such an important decision on an empty stomach; so remember to eat like there's no tomorrow next time you vote!


  1. I'm still following your blog and really enjoying it. You weave so many aspects of the culture together and create a vivid picture of the Philippines. I feel like I'm there walking the streets with you as you describe what's happening. I've learned about the food, customs, political activity, folklore, family relationships, and much more. I didn't know voting was such a big deal in the Philippines. That's pretty cool that they made it into a holiday. Anyway, I'll be following along to see what's next!

  2. Thanks for your support... I'm also learning/reviewing along the way, but also making sure that I don't miss the experience of living at the moment ( not getting caught up in hunting for the story ) ... I'm learning that if i just remain open-minded, stories will present themselves... patience is paying off...
