Monday, October 25, 2010

The birds and the bees

Hello Readers,

How do you explain ( or evade ) the birds and the bees to a curious child? By using food analogy of course!

My aunt asked if I remember living in the old house ( one of many old houses ).  I said maybe if I see a picture.  My godchild interrupted: "I was there too when godfather and I were little."

"You weren't here yet ... you were still leaves of a sweet potatoe/yam ( talbos nang kamote )," she said.  Before he could ask the next question concerning pregnancy, my aunt added, "Men and women eat these leaves, and that's how people of all ages are born."


  1. That's most likely the reason we all get screwed growing up!


  2. Hey Mike! It's been fun reading your blog! I miss the Philippines. I was there some years ago on a trip, and I really enjoyed the food and the markets! I like how you connect food and folklore in this entry--and the role folklore often plays in the communication between parent and child. Keep up the good work!

  3. Hey Miche - do talbos ng kamote make people crazy? just wondering... it's quite delicious especially with sabaw, baka, banana, and potatoes!

    Hey Liza - I'm glad you're enjoying the mini articles ( spread the word! )... what you wrote is one of the reasons why I was drawn to folklore in the first place... you'll especially like the next article about fruit... thanks, keep reading!
